Xiaomi has finally launched the Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G in India. Display The Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G boasts a stunning 6.67" AMOLED display with a resolution of 1.5K and a pixel density of 446 PPI. {{^adFree}} {{/adFree}} Design The Redmi Note 13 Pro showcases a sleek design, available in Midnight Black, Arctic White, and Coral Purple colors. Camera …
The Dell XPS range has both clamshell or traditional laptops and 2-in-1 convertible laptops. Even with the folio that weighs around 560 gms, the overall portability of the device is great for users who are always on the move. We used the device extensively to watch OTT content, scroll through social media apps, online gaming, and create graphics, and the …
While Google offers a lot of customization options to Android users, there are still some of the features that you don’t get. For instance, Android users still don’t have the option to adjust the brightness of the flashlight, which is a basic yet useful feature that Apple has offered to iPhone users for years. Well, the good news is that …
Apple and Google have announced a couple of new emoji in order to celebrate the World Emoji Day today. As for Google, it aims to bring 117 new emoji for Android 11 from the Emoji 13 library. As for Apple, the company aims to bring the new set of emoji sometime next year for the iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple …