The Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army, General Upendra Dwivedi, along with Sunita Dwivedi, on Monday installed the ‘iconic 1971 surrender painting’ at the Manekshaw Centre in New Delhi. The iconic painting portrays the ceremonial surrender of Pakistani soldiers to the Indian Army on 16 December, 1971, in Dhaka following the liberation of Bangladesh was installed on the …
Vijay Sales is offering Apple fans an exciting deal on the iPhone 16, on the Black Friday sale. If you are looking to exchange your old iPhone 13, then Vijay Sales is reportedly offering up to Rs 20,000 in exchange value, along with an additional Rs 3,000 exchange bonus. The iPhone 16 comes with significant upgrades, making it a compelling …
President Ram Nath Kovind, who is on a three-day visit to Bangladesh to attend the country’s 50th Victory Day celebrations, presented a replica of the 1971-era MiG 21 aircraft to his counterpart Abdul Hamid Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 16 December to mark India’s victory over Pakistan in the 1971 war. President Ram Nath Kovind, who is on a three-day …