If you are planning to visit Srinagar from Jammu, here is good news for you. Vande Bharat sleeper train achieves peak speed of 180 kmph during trial In another development, the Vande Bharat sleeper train achieved a peak speed of 180 km per hour in multiple trials over the last three days on a 40-km stretch in Rajasthan. "The video …
The Vande Bharat sleeper train has successfully clocked a top speed of 180 km per hour in the last three trials over 40 km in Rajasthan. Features and planned routes The Vande Bharat Sleeper Train is designed to provide an airline-like travel experience. Upon successful completion of trials, the train will be introduced for long-distance routes, such as: Kashmir to …
Indian Railways is set to launch the Vande Bharat Sleeper service soon, the long-distance version of the indigenously developed semi-high-speed train. According to a press release issued by Indian Railways, the Vande Bharat sleeper train has achieved a peak speed of 180 km per hour in its multiple trials in the last three days. on the first day of 2025, …