Former Karnataka CM and JD leader HD Kumaraswamy on Tuesday held a press conference addressing the circulation of 'obscene videos' involving JD MP Prajwal Revanna. "Hassan JD candidate Prajwal Revanna's election agent Poornachandra filed a complaint with the Hassan DC and police on 22nd April. When the voting was happening, CM told at least 100 times that HD Kumaraswamy and …
The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday restored the proceedings in the public interest litigation initiated on its own to address various legal and technical issues that arose before the district and trial courts, from June 1 2020, when they started 'limited functioning', in the state. The court added "Due to the lockdown announced by the Government of Karnataka, the members …
The Tripura High Court on Monday issued notice in a PIL seeking criminal action against the District Magistrate for misusing and abusing his official authority in relation to a viral video of an incident that took place on 26th April 2021 in Agartala wherein a marriage function was stopped midway by the DM and his team which had allegedly run …
Noting that the recent surge of pandemic COVID-19 has virtually incapacitated all medical infrastructure in the State of U.P. Additionally, the Court also remarked, "If popular government has its own political compulsions in not checking public movements during this pandemic, we cannot remain mere passive spectators." The Court passed the following directions in respect of cities of Prayagraj, Lucknow, Varanasi, …
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has held in the case of IBBI v. Rishi Prakash Vats & Ors. Appellate Tribunal was hearing an appeal preferred by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India against order dated 5th February, 2019 passed by the Adjudicating Authority, New Delhi Bench quashing the disciplinary proceedings initiated by IBBI. The question for consideration before NCLAT …