The Indian rupee's depreciation beyond ₹86 against the US dollar on Monday sparked a war of words between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the opposition Congress party over the currency's economic performance during their respective terms. Congress leader Jairam Ramesh took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media platform X over the currency's depreciation, questioning Modi's …
Mumbai, The rupee logged its steepest fall in nearly two years, plunging 55 paise to hit a historic low of 86.59 against the US dollar during mid-session on Monday due to strengthening of the American currency and surging crude oil prices. The fall of 55 paise, or 0.65 per cent, in one session was the steepest since February 6, 2023 …
Highlights Congress attacked the government after fuel prices were increased for the fifth time in six days Petrol price on Sunday was hiked by 50 paise a litre and diesel by 55 paise He demanded govt to give an account of the Rs 26 lakh crore accrued through excise duty on petrol The Congress on Sunday attacked the government after …