Poco on Tuesday launched a new 5G smartphone, the X5, featuring the Snapdragon processor, a 120Hz refresh rate, and a 48MP main lens. The Poco X5 5G features an FHD+ Super AMOLED display of 6.67 inches with a 120Hz refresh rate and Corning Gorilla Glass protection. The X5 5G sports a 48MP primary camera, an 8MP ultra-wide camera, and 2MP …
HMD Global-owned Nokia has launched Nokia G60 5G mid range phone in India. Nokia G60 5G features Nokia G60 5G phone is equipped with a 6.58-inch full-HD+ screen with 1,080x2,400 pixels resolution. Nokia promises up to three OS upgrades as well as up to three years of monthly Android security updates with Nokia G60 5G. The dual-SIM Nokia G60 5G …
MediaTek Dimensity 1050 is the latest 5G processor unveiled by the Taiwanese chipmaker. The new MediaTek 5G processor is essentially a trimmed-down version of the Dimensity 1100 SoC launched last year. In terms of optics, the Dimensity 1050 SoC supports up to 108MP primary camera. Phones with the new MediaTek Dimensity 1050 SoC will launch between July and September 2022. …