Kamlasan Reddy, director, state excise and enforcement, said that the force had eradicated 95 per cent of ganja menace in Dhoolpet and surrounding areas. Under ‘Operation Dhoolpet’, started on July 16, the special investigation teams had arrested several peddlers, because of which top drug suppliers had moved away to areas like Nanakramguda and Kukatpally. Under Op Dhoolpet from July 16, …
Dhaka: At least 71 cases have been filed in different parts of the country in connection with the attacks on Hindus and around 450 were arrested for spreading rumours on social media. 450 people have been arrested in the past five days over the attacks on puja venues, temples, Hindu homes and businesses, and for spreading rumours on social media …
The number of persons who have tested positive for the new U.K. variant of SARS-CoV-2 in the country has climbed to 71, the Union Health Ministry said on Wednesday. “The total number of cases infected with the new strain of the novel coronavirus first reported in the U.K. now stands at 71,” the Ministry said. The Indian government took cognisance …
Four persons were convicted by a special court in Jaipur on Wednesday for the serial blasts that ripped through the Walled City on May 13, 2008, killing 71 persons and leaving about 200 injured. The four were convicted under various Sections of the Indian Penal Code, the Unlawful Activities Act and the Explosives Act in eight cases registered by the …