Air India Express on Friday cancelled around 75 flights due to cabin crew shortage and operations are expected to normalise by Sunday, an official said, a day after a section of the cabin crew called off their strike, that had resulted in significant operational disruptions. The strike by a section of the cabin crew since Tuesday night that resulted in …
Mumbai/ New Delhi: Air India Express on Friday cancelled around 75 flights due to cabin crew shortage and operations are expected to normalise by Sunday, an official said, a day after a section of the cabin crew called off their strike, that had resulted in significant operational disruptions.The revenue losses caused due to the flight cancellations and compensation to passengers …
Under Mission Vande Bharat, Air India will be operating 75 flights from India to select destinations in USA and Canada from 9th to 30th June 2020. Bookings on these flights, ex India only, will tentatively be open from 5 pm on June 5 only through Air India website. Air India and Air India Express together operated 48 flights. The National …
As many as 75 flights have been cancelled at the Mumbai airport on Wednesday following the closure on the main runway after a SpiceJet plane skidded and overshot two days ago, an official said. The Mumbai airport operator has obtained NOTAM till midnight for the main runway, where Air India engineers and technicians are working to remove the Boeing 737-800 …