Last week, it was reported that the rumoured Galaxy A90 would launch under a new Galaxy R series. Both these models will feature the flagship Snapdragon 855 chipset, which would be very interesting indeed as Samsung typically uses mid-range processors for the Galaxy A series. Speaking of cameras, the Galaxy A90 is also tipped to launch with a triple camera …
The Galaxy A90 has been rumoured for many months now and things have not gotten any clearer. Twitter tipster @onleaks tweeted based on personal sources that a Galaxy R series is in the works and that the Galaxy A90 will be part of this new lineup. If Samsung is close to launching the Galaxy R series, the rumoured smartphone could …
Galaxy A90 is rumoured to be the first Samsung smartphone with a pop-up selfie camera. It is speculated that Samsung could announce some additional members to new Galaxy A smartphone family with one of them being the Galaxy A90. Galaxy A90 is rumoured to be the first Samsung smartphone with a pop-up selfie camera that rotates as it is expected …