Famed Japanese manga artist Fujiko Fujio A, known for beloved children's cartoons including "Ninja Hattori" and "Little Ghost Q-Taro", has died aged 88, local media reported on Thursday. They formed a partnership that debuted in 1951, jointly producing works under the pen name "Fujiko Fujio", and shared a Tokyo apartment with other famous manga artists including Osamu Tezuka. One of …
Highlights Famous manga artist Fujiko Fujio A passed away at 88 His real name was Motoo Abiko, he co-created Doraemon Ninja Hattori was Motoo Abiko's individual project Famed Japanese manga artist Fujiko Fujio A, who is known for beloved children's cartoons including Doraemon, Ninja Hattori and Little Ghost Q-Taro, passed away, claimed media reports. As per reports, the artist, whose …