Sanjay Dutt has turned 61 on Wednesday. Sanjay's character is named Adheera and he plays antagonist to lead star Yash's Rocky in the upcoming action-drama venture. Director Prashanth Neel took to social media to share Sanjay's Adheera first look with fans. As shared by Prashanth, Sanjay's Adheera is inspired by vikings who were famous for their brutal ways as they …
Director Prashanth Neel's KGF: Chapter 1, which released in 2018, became one of the blockbuster films of the year. On December 14, the makers announced that the first look poster of KGF: Chapter 2 will be released on December 21 at 5:45 PM on social media. On roping in Sanjay Dutt, Yash, in an earlier interview to Cinema Express revealed, …
Just like the first film, KGF: Chapter 2 will be made in Kannada and then dubbed in other languages. KGF: Chapter 2 went on the floors a few weeks ago and as per reports, the sequel is being made on a huge budget and will feature multiple new characters. Here is the first look poster of Sanjay Dutt as Adheera …
KGF: Chapter 2 went on the floors a few weeks ago and as per reports, the sequel is being made on a huge budget and will feature multiple new characters. The makers recently revealed a new character from the film, Adheera. Check out the new poster from KGF: Chapter 2 KGF: Chapter 1 had faced Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero at …
KGF: Chapter 1 has become the calling card for the Kannada film industry. The sequel to the film, KGF: Chapter 2, went on floors several weeks ago and the makers have revealed the name of a new character from the film, Adheera. Other than Sanjay Dutt, KGF: Chapter 2 also stars Raveena Tandon in an important role. Here's the poster: …