Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who plays the villain in KGF: Chapter 2, shared his experience of working with the film's director Prashanth Neel. In the recent statement, Sanjay Dutt praised Prashanth Neel for his directorial skills and said that he felt comfortable to work with him. SANJAY DUTT ON PRASHANTH NEEL Sanjay Dutt said, "Prashanth is a very humble guy, …
Sanjay Dutt, who is taking a ‘short break from work’ after being diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, will resume shooting for KGF: Chapter 2 in three months. In an interview with The Times of India on Wednesday, Karthik said, “Dutt will return after three months, once his treatment is over, to complete my film. I spoke to Dutt two …
Actor Yash, who is thrilled to team up with Sanjay Dutt in KGF: Chapter 2, has said that the Munnabhai MBBS star was first and last choice for the role of Adheera in the film which goes on the floors from August. In a recent media interaction, Yash opened up on how Sanjay Dutt was signed for the project and …
The first look of Adheera from KGF Chapter 2 is out and it shows a pair of hands with a dramatic ring stealing the attention. KGF Chapter 2 poster shows a dramatic ring with the face of a lion. In a recent interview to news agency IANS, Yash had said that the pre-production work on KGF Chapter 2 has been …