The special investigation team led by the inspector general of police Naunihal Singh probing the Behbal Kalan firing on Friday submitted a fresh sealed status report in the court of additional session judge Rajiv Kalra. Following the submission of the status report, Krishan Bhagwan’s son Sukhraj Singh, who has been on a sit-in protest for more than two years at …
The Supreme Court has pulled up the Telangana government for being insensitive to the plea of the mother of a woman finance officer in Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited who allegedly committed suicide due to repeated sexual harassment at her workplace. On Friday, as the Telangana government counsel sought a four-week adjournment, a bench comprising Justices A. M. Khanwilkar and S. …
The Delhi High Court on Monday granted more time to CBI to complete investigation against the agency's former Director Rakesh Asthana. CBI also informed the court that four out of the eight stages of the investigation have been completed, and only Director's scrutiny is left to be ascertained. Opposing the said adjournment, Senior Counsel Dayan Krishnan argued that the said …