When it was announced that Akshay Kumar is returning to comedy after five long years with Khel Khel Mein, fans were obviously excited. The star cast of Khel Khel Mein {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} A special screening of Khel Khel Mein was held today on August 14, a day before the film’s release. It’s great to see #Akshaykumar sir have …
Every Friday brings with it a new release. Today, on July 12, movie-buffs have two exciting options to choose from— Akshay Kumar starrer Sarfira and Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2. Akshay Kumar’s Sarfira and Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 clash Akshay Kumar and Kamal Haasan Many fans have called Sarfira Akshay’s career-best performance, lauding it as a comeback for the superstar. aapko …