The latest buzz in B-town is Akshay Kumar's upcoming film, Bell Bottom, which is all set to hit theatres on August 19. TWITTERATI REACT TO LARA DUTTA'S LOOK FROM BELL BOTTOM Akshay Kumar released the much-awaited trailer of Bell Bottom on August 3. I bet you can't guess this Bollywood actress portraying the role of #indiragandhi.Loved the #BellBottomTrailer.Can't wait for …
Just like many of us, Aamir Khan also "died laughing" after watching the trailer of Akshay Kumar's Good Newwz. Thank you so much :) Akshay Kumar November 19, 2019 Jackky tweeted, "This was toooo much fun.What an amazing trailer! Thank you brother Akshay Kumar November 19, 2019 Bhumi, Akshay's co-star in film Toilet Ek Prem Katha, said, "The …