In director Gururaj Kulkarani’s The Judgement, investment banker Anil is arrested for the murder of his client Roopa, head of an NGO. There's evident effort in making the film an interesting legal drama, but The Judgement also makes you feel like you are watching a television serial. The Judgement Director: Gururaj Kulkarni Cast: V Ravichandran, Diganth Manchale, Rangayana Raghu, Rekha …
The issue with the 2021 suspense thriller Seetharam Benoy Case No. 18, starring Vijay Raghavendra and directed by Devi Prasad Shetty, was that it tried too hard to be a thriller. Thankfully, with Case of Kondana, also starring Vijay, Devi Prasad Shetty has made a thriller without the pretentiousness we saw in Seetharam Benoy; almost every scene in Case of …
A news presenter who works for a news organization in Britain had to face the wrath of the netizens after he made a comment that India should return the £2.3 billion of foreign aid which was provided by Britain. As a rule, if you can afford to fire a rocket to the dark side of the Moon, you shouldn’t be …
Published : Apr 22, 2023 16:30 IST - 4 MINS READ An Indian media group unveiled its first full-time artificial intelligence news anchor this month—a bot named Sana who presents news updates several times a day. The world’s first news channel whose content is generated entirely by artificial intelligence, NewsGPT, was launched in March—ostensibly threatening the jobs of media professionals. …
Jules Robinson walked into a tattoo studio while on holiday in Bali and walked out with four new tatts. The Married at First Sight star, 40, tapped into her wild side and got two anchors and circles tattooed on her inner wrists. The Married At First Sight star, 40, tapped into her wild side and got two anchors and circles …