The Rouse Avenue Court on Tuesday allowed Raghav Magunta, son of YSR Congress Party Lok Sabha MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, and Delhi-based businessman Dinesh Arora to turn approver in a case filed by Enforcement Directorate for money laundering in the now scrapped Delhi excise policy. The agency had also not opposed the application to become approver filed by Mr. Arora, …
In an unprecedented development, the Enforcement Directorate on Thursday arrested businessman Dinesh Arora, a close aide of former deputy chief minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia, and who happens to be an “approver” for the Central Bureau of Investigation in Delhi excise police 2021-22 related irregularities. In fact, citing Dinesh Arora’s statement recorded under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code …
Trouble has mounted for the Aam Aadmi Party and Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia as the latter’s close aide Dinesh Arora, who is also a co-accused, told the court on November 7, that he is ready to turn approver in the Delhi excise policy case or the Liquor scam case. Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia’s alleged close aide Dinesh …