The Supreme Court on Wednesday stayed the June 10 Delhi High Court Order giving permission to travel abroad for medical treatment to Rajeev Saxena, initially implicated and then made approver in connection with the Agusta Westland chopper scam. Acting on Solicitor General Tushar Mehta's opposition to his leaving the country on account of his infractions of the Black Money and …
The UPA era VVIP chopper scam has seen several brisk developments since middleman Christian Michel was extradited to India from Dubai. According to reports, Rajiv Saxena, who was recently granted bail by a Delhi court in the Rs 3,600-crore AgustaWestland scam, is all set to move an application in the Patiala House Court in Delhi today, seeking to become an …
Rajiv Saxena, a Congress era middleman, who was extradited from UAE for his alleged involvement in the AgustaWestland VVIP chopper scam has given consent to the Enforcement Directorate to turn approver in the case, reports ANI. The Enforcement Directorate is planning to make the middleman Saxena an approver in the VVIP chopper case and Saxena has reportedly given his consent …