The Delhi High Court on Monday ordered release of NewsClick Human Resources head Amit Chakraborty seeking bail after turning approver in the UAPA case registered following allegations of the portal receiving money for pro-China propaganda.Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma passed the order allowing Chakraborty's plea seeking his release in the case.”Therefore, having considered the facts. The Delhi High Court on Monday …
The Supreme Court on Monday allowed NewsClick human resources head and recently-turned approver Amit Chakraborty to withdraw his plea challenging his arrest by the Delhi police. Last week, Chakraborty was allowed by a Delhi court to turn approver in the case, and was granted a pardon. A bench of Justices BR Gavai, Sanjay Karol, and Sandeep Mehta was hearing the …
A Delhi court has allowed NewsClick’s human resources department chief Amit Chakravarty to turn an approver in the case lodged against the news portal under anti-terror law UAPA over allegations that it received money to spread pro-China propaganda, court sources said on Tuesday. Special Judge Hardeep Kaur pardoned Chakravarty, arrested in the case, on an application he moved recently seeking …
Amit Chakravarty, human resources department head of NewsClick, has moved a Delhi court seeking its permission to turn an approver in a case related to pro-China propaganda, said a report by PTI citing court sources. He moved an application before special judge Hardeep Kaur last week, seeking pardon in the case and claiming he had material information that he was …