The Visakhapatnam city police, in collaboration with Apollo Hospitals, launched an ambulance service to ensure rapid response and critical care in emergency situations. The newly-launched ambulance service aims to provide immediate medical assistance to accident victims, ensuring no life is lost due to delays. The ambulance will operate in areas under police jurisdictions, including Bheemunipatnam, Anandapuram, PM Palem, Arilova, MVP …
Visakhapatnam: The Arilova area in Visakhapatnam, once notorious for illegal activities, has transformed into a bustling smart city. A health city and a central jail and an 8-story GVMC building are turning Arilova into a key residential and commercial hub. The emergence of the Health City facilitated the opening of numerous hospitals and diagnostic centers, creating job opportunities for locals …
VISAKHAPATNAM: The expansion of roads in the 11th ward of Arilova has garnered the focused attention of Vizag's mayor Golagani Hari Venkata Kumari and GVMC commissioner C.M. A comprehensive inspection was conducted, encompassing key sections like the stretch from Saibaba Mandir to Ambedkar Statue, Ambedkar Statue to Pedagadili Junction, and Thota Guru to Rabindra Nagar Junction. Sai Kant Varma underscored …