The Arogya Bhadratha scheme, once a vital healthcare lifeline for Telangana Police personnel and their families, has run into trouble as private hospitals across the State are refusing to admit patients under the scheme citing non-payment of long standing dues from the Arogya Bhadratha Trust. 47-year-old Amaresh, a head constable with the Telangana Police, experienced the scheme’s failings first-hand when …
Warangal: Health minister T. Harish Rao on Wednesday launched a uniquely conceptualised ‘Mahila arogya pathakam, a women's health scheme to mark this year’s international women’s day at a primary health centre in Karimnagar’s Butti Rajaram colony. As many women bear in silence their health problems, the Mahila arogya pathakam has been introduced whereupon they will be entitled for medical care …