The Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana has reduced the cancer patients' financial burden significantly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday. On the fight against cancer, the prime minister talked about a study by Medical Journal Lancet according to which the chances of starting cancer treatment in time in India have increased significantly. Modi also emphasised the role …
In order to provide better healthcare services in rural areas in the seven districts of Kalyana Karnataka region, the Kalyana Karnataka Region Development Board will spend ₹250 crore under the Arogya Avishkara programme, KKRDB Chairman Ajay Singh has said. Dr. Singh opined that the menstrual hygiene practices may significantly reduce the risk of cervical cancer, and the KKRDB would launch …
In a novel initiative, the Department of School Education and Literacy in Udupi has launched ‘Arogya Shanivara’ to enlighten students on disease and health management and managing personal safety. Primary and high school students of all 1,098 schools in the district are being educated since June on the symptoms of various diseases and seasonal infections like malaria, dengue; why and …
As many as 120 advance life support ambulances have been added under the Arogya Kavacha — 108 service in Bengaluru. Speaking at the programme, Health Minister K. Sudhakar said, “There are about 710 ambulances operating under Arogya Kavacha — 108 and 155 among them are ALS ambulances. We are working to bring down the turnaround time to 10 to 15 …