Tensions rose in Belagavi, Karnataka, after an unauthorised banner featuring Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was displayed on his birth anniversary. The banner, which described Aurangzeb as "Sultan-e-Hind" and the founder of "Akhand Bharat", triggered unrest in the Shahu Nagar area, sparking protests from local residents. Protests soon erupted, prompting police to remove the banner and deploy additional security forces to prevent …
The Kolhapur police have arrested 36 persons, including three minors, in connection with the unrest in Kolhapur city over ‘objectionable’ social media messages reportedly glorifying Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and 18th C. Mysore state ruler Tipu Sultan even as the city limped back to normalcy on Thursday. Superintendent of Police Mahendra Pandit said three criminal cases in three different police stations …
The Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday designated Jaish–e–Mohammad’s Mohiuddin Aurangzeb Alamgir, a key conspirator of the 2019 terror attack on a CRPF convoy at Pulwama, as a ‘terrorist’ under the Unlawful Activities Act. The MHA said in a notification Alamgir alias Mujahid Bhai is a senior member of banned terror outfit JeM and is a resident of Bahawalpur in …
A 52-page booklet has been prepared by the Yogi Adityanath government on the ‘Kashi Vishwanath Dham’ project, recording the multiple number of times the Kashi Vishwanath Temple was razed by rulers like Aurangzeb, Mohammad Gohri and Sultan Mohammad Shah, and how the Gyanvapi Mosque was built upon the garbhagriha. Titled ‘Shri Kashi Vishwanath Dham’s Glorious History and Present Grand Form’, …