The original video was reportedly shot in 2019 in the boy’s classroom and recorded by his teacher The internet can make anyone an overnight star. The boy identified as Sahdev Dirdo became a viral sensation after a video of him singing ‘Bachpan Ka Pyar’ went viral on the internet. After becoming an overnight Internet sensation, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh …
Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is having a tough time as she is struggling to get the viral Bachpan Ka Pyar boy out of her head. Sahdev Dirdo, the young boy became an internet sensation after his song Bachpan Ka Pyar went viral on social media platforms. Image Source : INSTAGRAM/ANUSHKA SHARMA Anushka Sharma's struggle to sleep is real as she …
After becoming an overnight Internet sensation, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel met and congratulated the little boy on his success The internet can make anyone an overnight star. The boy identified as Sahdev Dirdo became a viral sensation after a video of him singing ‘Bachpan Ka Pyar’ went viral on the internet. After becoming an overnight Internet sensation, Chief …