Actor-producer Sonu Sood recently opened up about his feud with former co-star and MP Kangana Ranaut. Speaking to YouTuber Subhankar Mishra, Sonu Sood said, "We are not on talking terms right now, but I have been very close with her family – her mother, father and sister meet me very lovingly. Sonu Sood had quit Kangana's film, Manikarnika-The Queen of …
LOADING ERROR LOADING This month, demonstrators have taken to the streets and subway stations in New York City to protest the killing of Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old man who was choked to death by another passenger on a train in Manhattan on May 1. “While our organization doesn’t recommend physical intervention, a situation can sometimes be de-escalated just by acknowledging …
RLD leader Jayant Chaudhary might be a good person but he is in the wrong alliance, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said in an exclusive interview with Network18 Group Editor-in-Chief Rahul Joshi on Friday. News18 February 4, 2022 RLD leader Jayant Chaudhary, the grandson of iconic farmer leader and former prime minister Chaudhary Charan Singh, has entered into an …
The management of India’s bad bank is discussing the modalities of how much lenders would have to cough up as yearly fee in exchange for managing their toxic assets, a person aware of the development said. News agency PTI reported on June 29 that the Indian Banks’ Association, entrusted with the task of setting up the bad bank, has pegged …