The highly anticipated teaser for Bagheera is out. On the occasion of actor Srii Murali's birthday on December 17, the makers have released the 26-second-long action-packed teaser. Produced under the Hombale Films banner, Bagheera's teaser gives viewers an insight into the dark world of the upcoming film and also introduces the raw and riveting drama that the film promises. Fan …
The Bagheera teaser presents Prabhu Deva as a killer who takes up multiple avatars throughout the film Actor Dhanush officially released the teaser of Prabhu Deva’s upcoming venture Bagheera earlier today, 19 February. The actor choreographer had earlier collaborated with Dhanush for Maari 2’s hit song ‘Rowdy Baby.’ Bagheera will also have actor Amyra Dastur play an important role. Calling …