Four persons attacked a cashier at Madhushala Bar in Sahakarnagar after he asked one of them to step outside the closed establishment around midnight on August 5. Following a complaint filed by bar manager Arvind Lajjaram Yadav of Dhankawdi, the police have booked the four accused identified as Prafulla Ransingh, 26; Rajit alias Pitambar Ghodke, 25; Krushna Sapkal, 26 and …
The Coimbatore District Police have registered a case against a local functionary of the BJP on charges of harassing a female manager of a bar at Karumathampatti. The police said the case was registered against Ashok Kumar, who was a functionary of BJP’s government liaison wing, based on the complaint of the woman. According to the police, the woman works …
Peanut chikki liqueur, a chamomile isomalt disc atop a negroni, and a bitter gourd-infused cocktail. They flash freeze excess fresh fruit to repurpose them for the bar at a later date.” Think local Sidecar, New Delhi, popularly seen as one of the country’s best bars, boasts a seasonal menu that heroes local ingredients. Kolkata-based freelance bartender Sourav Singh, has learned …
Ariana DiValentino Making a great mulled wine is mostly a matter of finding the combination of wine, fruit and spices that suits your palate. You can find virtually infinite mulled wine recipes online, but at its core, it’s just a matter of finding the combination of wine, fruit and spices that suits your palate. If you’re making a traditional mulled …