Hyderabad: Fulfilling yet another poll promise made during Assembly polls, the Congress government has decided to give Rs 500 per quintal bonus to paddy farmers producing 'sanna vadlu' from the upcoming kharif season. The government has decided to utilise sanna vadlu procured from farmers to produce sanna biyyam for supplying to students in hostels run by welfare departments and also …
Hyderabad: The CAG said that design faults resulted in the damages — that began in November 2019 — to the Medigadda barrage, as well at the Annaram and Sundilla barrages of the Kaleshwaram lift irrigation scheme. The CAG said that after the gates of the barrages were closed after the 2019 floods, it was found that the reinforced cement concrete …
Hyderabad: The state government wrote to the National Dam Safety Authority seeking an inquiry into the condition of Medigadda, Annaram, and Sundilla barrages of the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme and suggest measures on the future course of action. In informal conversations with media persons at his chambers in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, irrigation minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy slammed …