Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy faced several post-bifurcation challenges during his three years in office, and had been announcing several development schemes. In an interaction with a team from The Hindu, the Chief Minister explains in detail about his government’s initiatives in key sectors, the State’s financial management and his vision on the three capitals plan. …
The Madhya Pradesh High Court recently observed that the State's total dependence upon the mode of outsourcing even for discharge of sovereign functions which is not a healthy practice. roads is being outsourced by the State," the Court noted.The Bench of Justice Sheel Nagu and Justice Deepak Kumar Agarwal. The Bench of Justice Sheel Nagu and Justice Deepak Kumar Agarwal …
交通运输部近日印发指导意见称,我国将推动交通运输领域新型基础设施建设,促进交通基础设施数字转型、智能升级。 China will promote new infrastructure construction in the transport sector to advance its transformation to digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence, according to a guideline issued by the Ministry of Transport. 2020年6月27日,上海启动智能网联汽车规模化示范应用,首批智能网联汽车在滴滴出行App上开放服务。图为主驾驶座上的安全员在车辆行驶时两手放在方向盘旁,前排座椅背后的屏幕上实时显示行人、车辆等周边路况。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 新型基础设施是以新发展理念为引领,以技术创新为驱动,以信息网络为基础,面向高质量发展需要,提供数字转型、智能升级、融合创新等服务的基础设施体系。8月6日,交通运输部印发《关于推动交通运输领域新型基础设施建设的指导意见》(简称《指导意见》),围绕加快建设交通强国总体目标,以技术创新为驱动,以数字化、网络化、智能化为主线,以促进交通运输提效能、扩功能、增动能为导向,推动交通基础设施数字转型、智能升级,建设便捷顺畅、经济高效、绿色集约、智能先进、安全可靠的交通运输领域新型基础设施。 《指导意见》提出,到2035年,交通运输领域新型基础设施建设取得显著成效。先进信息技术深度赋能交通基础设施,精准感知、精确分析、精细管理和精心服务能力全面提升,成为加快建设交通强国的有力支撑。基础设施建设运营能耗水平有效控制。泛在感知设施、先进传输网络、北斗时空服务在交通运输行业深度覆盖,行业数据中心和网络安全体系基本建立,智能列车、自动驾驶汽车、智能船舶等逐步应用。科技创新支撑能力显著提升,前瞻性技术应用水平居世界前列。 【重要讲话】 要瞄准世界科技前沿,强化基础研究,实现前瞻性基础研究、引领性原创成果重大突破。加强应用基础研究,拓展实施国家重大科技项目,突出关键共性技术、前沿引领技术、现代工程技术、颠覆性技术创新,为建设科技强国、质量强国、航天强国、网络强国、交通强国、数字中国、智慧社会提供有力支撑。 We should aim for the frontiers of science and technology, strengthen basic research, and make major breakthroughs in pioneering basic research …