The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike Chief Commissioner, Tushar Giri Nath, has announced that appointment orders for pourakarmikas selected in the final list will be issued by the end of March. Salappa, Mr. Giri Nath stated that the verification process, including police clearance and reservation certificate validation, is ongoing. Highlighting the need for a robust waste collection system, he emphasised that …
A week after the controversy over alleged theft of voter data by Chilume Educational and Rural Development Trust with the alleged support of the State government, the Election Commission of India initiated an inquiry into it in Bengaluru. The official held a series of meetings on Wednesday and Thursday with officials of the Chief Electoral Office and Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara …
The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike has informed the High Court of Karnataka that 2,052 encroachments on storm water drains have been removed so far. The HC bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Alok Aradhe was hearing a petition by ‘Citizens Action Group’ and others on Wednesday. During the hearing the HC was informed by the BBMP’s counsel that 50 per …