The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike Chief Commissioner Tushar Giri Nath directed officials to dig borewells in 58 areas which are reeling under drinking water crisis. Mr. Giri Nath said that they had identified 58 areas in the city that suffer from acute water crisis. BWSSB Chairman Ram Prasath Manohar said that there were 10,995 government borewells in the city and …
The Urban Development Department has directed the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike to investigate into the alleged misappropriation of money collected from sales at Indira Canteens in Bengaluru. According to a document dated January 25 accessed by The Hindu, the Additional Chief Secretary, UDD, has written to the BBMP Chief Commissioner directing him to conduct a probe into what happened to …