Activist-lawyer Prashant Bhushan, convicted recently in a contempt case, Wednesday accused the Bar Council of Delhi of trying to gag lawyers from speaking critically about the judiciary. So Bar Council now wants to gag lawyers from speaking critically about the Judiciary, Bhushan wrote on Twitter. The BCD sent the notice in pursuance of the resolution of September 6 of the …
The Bar Council of Delhi has asked activist-lawyer Prashant Bhushan to appear before it on October 23 following his conviction by the Supreme Court, which imposed a token fine of Re 1 on him, in a contempt case. The BCD move has come in pursuance of the resolution of September 6 of the apex bar body, the Bar Council of …
The Bar Council of Delhi has sought Bhushan’s response as to why proceedings should not be initiated to revoke his enrolment as a lawyer in view of the conviction for his alleged contemptuous tweets against the judiciary New Delhi: The Bar Council of Delhi has asked activist-lawyer Prashant Bhushan to appear before it on 23 October following his conviction by …