A couple selling food on a pushcart in Udayampalayam in Coimbatore on Thursday submitted a petition to the Coimbatore City Police Commissioner seeking protection, after a local BJP functionary confronted them, objecting to the sale of dishes that contain beef. The BJP member, Subramani, had previously warned the couple, Ravi and Abitha, not to sell beef dishes in the locality. …
Periyarist, Ambedkarite and Dalit organisations will host beef and pork feasts in Coimbatore and Tiruppur districts on October 24, Deepavali, to underline their non-acceptance of the popular myth behind the celebration of the festival and to highlight the right to eat food of one’s choice. Thanthai Periyar Dravidar Kazhakam has planned an event titled “Maveeran Narakasuranukku Veera Vanakka Nigazhchi” to …