Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday have busted a terror module, planning attacks on off-duty policemen in Srinagar and arrested three persons for the December 9 attack on police constable Mohammad Hafiz Chak. Jammu and Kashmir Police personnel with the three arrested 'hybrid' terrorists involved in the attack on a policeman in the Bemina area of Srinagar city on Sunday. …
Three terrorists, including a 'fidayeen', were killed in two separate encounters in Jammu and Kashmir, police said on Friday, taking the number of ultras killed so far this year to 133. A 'Mujahideen Gazwatul Hind' militant who was assigned to carry out a 'fidayeen' attack in Srinagar was killed, while a Hizbul Mujahideen district commander was among the two ultras …
New Delhi: Terrorists in Srinagar opened fire at security forces at SKIMS Medical College in the Bemina region of Srinagar on Friday, news agency ANI reported. The Srinagar Police in a statement informed, "There was a brief firefight between terrorists and security forces at SKIMS Hospital, Bemina. @JmuKmrPolice @KashmirPolice — Srinagar Police November 5, 2021 Following the incident, a search …
On 29th August, several media houses reported that Jammu Kashmir police had fired pellets and tear gas shells at a Muharram procession in Jammu and Kashmir. An Al Jazeera report said that security forces clashed with the Shia Muslim participants in the Muharram tazia procession in Bemina area in Srinagar, and several civilians were injured. The Al Jazeera report does …