Following what appears to be an instance of ‘bench hunting’, the Madhya Pradesh High Court has decided to recall a certain order that prohibited Advocate Vinayak Prasad Shah from appearing before certain High Court benches. The division bench of Chief Justice Ravi Malimath and Justice Vishal Mishra sitting at Jabalpur observed that the lawyers who have filed the vakalath in …
The Principal Bench of Rajasthan High Court at Jodhpur has upheld the single judge bench order, whereby a cost of Rs. 10 lakh was imposed on a medical institution for forum shopping.After the petition filed by Dhanwantri Institute of Medical Science was dismissed as withdrawn from the Jaipur bench of the High Court in April, the institute had approached its …
The Supreme Court has directed the Allahabad High Court to continue with the contempt proceedings against a litigant and lawyer for allegedly resorting to 'bench hunting'.While Justice A.M. Thipsay, was presiding a Court in Lucknow bench, a submission was made by a lawyer that, in the case, a member of. The Supreme Court has directed the Allahabad High Court to …
The Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on Wednesday reserved orders on the plea for recusal of Justice Arun Mishra from hearing the matters related to interpretation of Section 24 of the Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013.The bench said that it will pronounce orders on October 23.This was after a day …
Allahabad High Court dismissed a writ petition as "not maintainable" saying that allowing the writ petition would lead to a case of "Bench Hunting" by the petitioner.Bench of Justices B. Amit Sthalekar and Piyush Agrawal in Dheer Singh & Another v. State of U.P. Allahabad High Court dismissed a writ petition as "not maintainable" saying that allowing the writ petition …