A day after a massive explosion took place at the popular Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru, one of the victims who was injured recalled the horror. Rameshwaram cafe blast shook Bengaluru with the BJP lobbing charges against the Congress government in Karnataka. I am absolutely fine now after treatment.” At least 10 people, including the hotel staff and customers, were injured …
A similar ‘boom’ sound was heard last year in May in Bengaluru as well. “It was a routine IAF Test Flight involving a supersonic profile which took off from Bluru Airport and flew in the allotted airspace well outside City limits. The sonic boom was probably heard while the aircraft was decelerating from supersonic to subsonic speed between 36,000 and …
Banglore Boom Sound: A mysterious loud boom sound was heard in different parts of the Bengaluru city on Wednesday afternoon with speculations rife among the public. The sound was reported from eastern and south-eastern parts of Bengaluru with many reporting that even the windows rattled during the 'sonic boom'-like-sound heard between 1:20 pm to 1.30 pm. Srinivas Reddy, director, Karnataka …
Locals in Bengaluru heard a loud mysterious sound on Wednesday after which netizens took to social media and expressed the panicking situation. With a lot many posts on social media, Bengaluru Police Commissioner said they are investigating the matter and are looking into the cause of the sound. Bengaluru loud sound not an 'earthquake' Scientists from Karnataka State Natural Disaster …