Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 110th episode of his monthly radio broadcast ‘Mann Ki Baat’ on Sunday. During his speech, Modi said the government has initiated the ‘National Creators Award’ for social media influencers to honour their talent. If you also know such interesting content creators, then definitely nominate them for the National Creators Award,” the PM added. The …
Actor Varun Dhawan, known for his roles in light-hearted comedy movies like Student of the Year, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania and Main Tera Hero, will be turning 36 on Monday. Badlapur This movie will always make you think about Varun Dhawan's range in acting. Varun in his debut movie played completely opposite character which made the audience doubt whether he …
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are now married! Right from Ranbir Kapoor kissing Alia Bhatt after the wedding to them dancing to Chaiyya Chaiyya at the after party, the Kapoors have us gushing! Here are the 5 most adorable and memorable moments from Alia-Ranbir's shaadi WHEN RANBIR KISSED ALIA AFTER THE WEDDING Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt went to the …
Trinamool Congress leader and MLA Madan Mitra said a lot of political parties have realised that Mamata Banerjee was the best person to lead the fight against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. If people are writing 'Ab Ki Baar Didi Sarkar', it means that people want Mamata Banerjee's government in 2024," Mitra told India Today. On Tuesday, West Bengal Chief Minister …