Vidyarthi Bhavan, a cherished culinary landmark in Bengaluru, witnessed an extraordinary morning on December 3 when legendary drummer Sivamani paid a surprise visit for breakfast. Known for his electrifying beats and unparalleled rhythm, Sivamani turned the humble kitchen of the iconic restaurant into an impromptu stage. Watch the video here: A rhythmic twist at #VidyarthiBhavan The #LegendaryDrummer @drumssivamani visited us …
Badminton legend Prakash Padukone and his wife, Ujjala Padukone, were recently spotted enjoying a meal at Vidyarthi Bhavan, an iconic south Indian restaurant in Bengaluru. Prakash Padukone and Ujjala Padukone seen enjoying a South Indian meal in Bengaluru. Prakash Padukone posed for a photo with a server balancing plates and plates of dosa on one arm, a signature image of …
Bengaluru’s iconic breakfast joint, Vidyarthi Bhavan has won the trademark battle against a Shivamogga restaurant, which also had a similar name. The Shivamogga restaurant also used a tag line called ‘Bangalore food trend in Shivamogga’ and the original Vidyarthi Bhavan alleged that it is misleading the public, reported the Times of India. Bengaluru's iconic Vidyarthi Bhavan wins trademark battle: Report …
Industrialist and Mahindra Group's Chairman Anand Mahindra on Tuesday appreciated waiters by suggesting that 'waiter's productivity' should be an Olympic sport. He said this after watching a Bengaluru hotel's waiter balancing 16 plates of dosa on one arm, a video of which went viral on the internet. Vidyarthi Bhavan has been a famous place for localites in Bengaluru, famous for …
As Zev Siegl, co-founder of Starbucks, was in Bengaluru for the Global Investors' Meet 2022, he tried the local food from the region at Vidyarthi Bhavan, a legendary restaurant. Their official Instagram page shared images of Siegl enjoying a plate of masala dosa and a cup of traditional filter coffee. They shared several photos where the staff at Vidyarthi Bhavan …