Thalapathy Vijay has massive hopes on his upcoming film, Bigil, directed by Atlee. If rumours are anything to go by, the much-awaited trailer of Bigil is expected to release before the end of this week. A total of 20.1k tweets have been made by Vijay's ardent fans anticipating the release of the trailer. At the trailer launch, Vijay took potshots …
Recently, the audio launch of Vijay's Bigil happened in a popular engineering college in Chennai, which turned out to be a massive hit. The government has asked the college the basis on which such a political event was allowed to take place in an educational institution. Similarly, Stella Maris College faced a similar situation, when Indian National Congress president Rahul …
Vijay made an explosive speech at Bigil audio launch which was held on September 20 at a private college in Chennai. Recently, Vijay was seen at Chennai International Airport as he was about to take off to London. Vijay has spent nearly 170 days for Bigil in which he is touted to play two roles, as that of a father …