Vijay was questioned by IT officials in Tamil Nadu’s Neyveli, Cuddalore district on Wednesday, where he was shooting his next feature Master. Tamil actor Vijay has come under the Income Tax department’s scanner regarding alleged tax evasion by AGS Cinemas, the production house behind his recent blockbuster Bigil. He was questioned by IT officials in Tamil Nadu’s Neyveli, Cuddalore district …
Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff made a splash in Kollywood by playing a memorable role in Thiagarajan Kumararaja's critically acclaimed film Aaranya Kaandam. In a recent interview to Behindwoods, Jackie Shroff hailed Vijay as one of the 'finest actors in the industry.' During the interview, he also revealed why he couldn't attend the Bigil audio launch, which took place on September …
Vijay's previous film Sarkar with AR Murugadoss created a huge uproar among the politicians. At the audio launch of Bigil, which was held on September 20, director Atlee revealed that the trailer will release in the first week of October. In a recent interview to Tamil magazine Vikatan, producer Archana Kalpathi has opened up about the delay behind the trailer …