Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu hit the screens today, January 11, much to the delight of fans. The buzz in trade circles is that Vijay’s family entertainer will collect between Rs 23 crore and Rs 25 crore in Tamil Nadu on its first day. Meanwhile, here is a look at the box office performances of Thalapathy Vijay’s last five films. BEAST Beast, …
After Bigil and Kaithi, none of the expected biggies like Action, Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta, Sangathamizhan, and Adithya Varma lived up to the expectations at the box office. None of the films including Vishal’s Action, Dhanush’s Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta, Vijay Sethupathi’s Sangathamizhan, and Dhruv Vikram ’s most anticipated Adithya Varma were able to live up to the audience’s expectations. …
Actor Vijays latest release 'Bigil' has emerged as the highest-grossing Tamil film of the year in Tamil Nadu, beating Ajiths 'Viswasam'. According to a report in the box-office tracking portal Cinetrak, 'Bigil' at the end of its fourth weekend run in cinemas has grossed Rs 141.05 crore. Cinetrak stated that 'Bigil' has also emerged as the highest grossing Tamil film …
Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil continues to set the cash registers ringing at the box office worldwide as it nears the second week of theatrical run on Thursday. Vijay is now the first Tamil actor to score three back to back century grossers in TN and is also the first Tamil actor to achieve three consecutive double century grossers worldwide. While Bigil …