Thalapathy Vijay-starrer Leo's trailer was finally unveiled by its makers on Thursday, October 5. Fans of Vijay have been eagerly waiting for the trailer release and soon after it was unveiled online, it started trending high on every major social media platform. The trailer even shattered major records such as it became the fastest Indian film trailer to garner 1 …
Vijay's upcoming film Bigil is hardly ten days away from its grand release and the film is already creating several records. Now, the trailer has surpassed the likes of Shah Rukh Khan's Zero trailer to become the most liked trailer on YouTube in India in a short time. Two days ago, Bigil trailer clocked in 1.8 million likes while the …
After tasting success with AR Murugadoss's Sarkar, Vijay reunited with director Atlee for the third time for Bigil after Theri and Mersal. On October 16, producer Archana Kalpathi took to Twitter to reveal that the censor formalities have been completed and that they would announce the film's release date soon. #BigilTrailer has crossed 2 million likes " Here's the tweet: …
Vijay is gearing up for the release of his forthcoming film, Bigil, which is all set to hit the theatres on Diwali. At this point, Bigil's trailer has become the second most liked trailer on YouTube with Shah Rukh Khan's Zero topping the charts. Here's the trailer of Bigil: Going by the numbers, Zero's trailer has clocked in 1.9 million …