Actor Vijay Sethupathi, recently seen in Rajinikanth’s Petta, has been signed to play a pivotal role in Vijay’s upcoming yet-untitled Tamil film, its makers announced. Via a special poster, the makers announced that they are happy to welcome Vijay Sethupathi on board. The film will see Vijay play the role of a coach of women’s football team. From the poster, …
He might not be playing the Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralidharan in a film but that hasn’t stopped Vijay Sethupathi from experimenting with his roles. If reports are to be believed then Sethupathi is all set to play the villain in Tamil superstar Vijay’s next film titled Thalapathy 64. Kiara Advani, who is fresh out of Kabir Singh’s success, is …