: Shah Rukh Khan has not announced a new film since his "Zero" debacle last December. #WeWantConfirmationSRKandAtlee has started trending on Twitter.The 33-year-old Atlee Kumar is among Tamil mainstream cinema's most in-demand directors, having made blockbusters such as "Theri" and "Mersal". Shah Rukh Khan's film with Atlee won't be a remake of any south Indian hit but an original script, …
Shah Rukh Khan has not announced a new film since his "Zero" debacle last December. The 33-year-old Atlee Kumar is among Tamil mainstream cinema's most in-demand directors, having made blockbusters such as "Theri" and "Mersal". Shah Rukh Khan's film with Atlee won't be a remake of any south Indian hit but an original script, a source told "koimoi.com". Since Atlee's …
He might not be playing the Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralidharan in a film but that hasn’t stopped Vijay Sethupathi from experimenting with his roles. If reports are to be believed then Sethupathi is all set to play the villain in Tamil superstar Vijay’s next film titled Thalapathy 64. Kiara Advani, who is fresh out of Kabir Singh’s success, is …