Vijay was questioned by IT officials in Tamil Nadu’s Neyveli, Cuddalore district on Wednesday, where he was shooting his next feature Master. Tamil actor Vijay has come under the Income Tax department’s scanner regarding alleged tax evasion by AGS Cinemas, the production house behind his recent blockbuster Bigil. He was questioned by IT officials in Tamil Nadu’s Neyveli, Cuddalore district …
Actor Vijays latest release 'Bigil' has emerged as the highest-grossing Tamil film of the year in Tamil Nadu, beating Ajiths 'Viswasam'. According to a report in the box-office tracking portal Cinetrak, 'Bigil' at the end of its fourth weekend run in cinemas has grossed Rs 141.05 crore. Cinetrak stated that 'Bigil' has also emerged as the highest grossing Tamil film …