Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming film Bigil is hardly a week away from release and the post-production work is going on in full swing. Telugu short-filmmaker Nandi Chinni Reddy has accused director Atlee of plagiarising the soul of his film, Slum Soccer. Chinni Reddy has approached Telangana Cinema Writers' Association asking them to file a case against the makers of Bigil for …
After Chiranjeevi's Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Vijay's Bigil, directed by Atlee is the next big thing in South India. Producer Archana Kalpathi of AGS Entertainments revealed that they felt the need to mount this commercial film on a huge scale because it carries a beautiful message. I find the criticism unfair since he has given a phenomenal film, and the …
A boom in multiplexes and conversion of single screens into double screens has increased the box-office share in Kerala. For the big Gandhi Jayanthi/Pooja weekend, four Malayalam films – Jallikattu, Aadyarathri, Vikruthi and Pranaya Meenukalude Kadal released along with four OLFs - War, Joker, Asuran and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. Among the festival releases, the top five at Kochi multiplexes, …
Nayanthara's growth as an actress to Lady Superstar of Tamil Nadu is a story that is inspiring to millions of aspiring talents across the South Indian film industries. She commands a huge fan following not just in Tamil, but also in Telugu and Malayalam film industries. It is said that the Imaikaa Nodigal actress charges a whopping Rs 4 or …