Director Atlee's fourth outing Bigil, starring Vijay and Nayanthara, hit the theatres worldwide on October 25 along with Karthi's Kaithi. Days before the release, Kadambur Raju, Minister for Information and Publicity, said that the ruling government has not given any permission for the theatre owners to schedule any early morning shows in and around Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu: Large number …
Bigil starring Vijay and Nayanthara is in the last leg of shooting. Singapenney is a motivational number with AR Rahman's vocals, much like Ella Pughazhum Oruvanuke from Vijay-starrer Azhagiya Tamizh Magan. Going by the lyrics written by Vivek, this song will appear at a crucial time in Bigil, when Vijay coaches the Tamil Nadu women's football team. While the father …
Thalapathy Vijay is upbeat about his upcoming flick, Bigil, directed by Atlee. The makers of Bigil took to social media to announce that Vijay will be lending his voice for the song Verithanam, composed by AR Rahman. This will be the first time Thalapathy Vijay will be singing a song composed by AR Rahman. She wrote, "A big thank you …