Tamil actor Vijay, who has been around for over two decades, is currently at the pinnacle of his career with an unprecedented fan base and a slew of blockbuster films to his credit. In the last decade, Vijay had 15 releases and out of which as many as nine films grossed over ₹100 crore at the box-office. Atlee directed …
After Bigil and Kaithi, none of the expected biggies like Action, Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta, Sangathamizhan, and Adithya Varma lived up to the expectations at the box office. None of the films including Vishal’s Action, Dhanush’s Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta, Vijay Sethupathi’s Sangathamizhan, and Dhruv Vikram ’s most anticipated Adithya Varma were able to live up to the audience’s expectations. …
A boom in multiplexes and conversion of single screens into double screens has increased the box-office share in Kerala. For the big Gandhi Jayanthi/Pooja weekend, four Malayalam films – Jallikattu, Aadyarathri, Vikruthi and Pranaya Meenukalude Kadal released along with four OLFs - War, Joker, Asuran and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. Among the festival releases, the top five at Kochi multiplexes, …