On Tuesday, Twitter released data accumulating the best of 2019 from the micro-blogging site, and it was Kollywood actor Vijay’s Bigil which came up trumps, featuring on quite a lists: The top 10 ‘Most Tweeted about hastags in India’, the most retweeted tweet in entertainment was the ‘#Bigil’ tweet from Vijay’s official handle @actorvijay, while creative producer of the film …
Asuran, which became Dhanush ’s highest grossing title in Tamil Nadu with a cumulative total of Rs 38.5 crore last week, has topped the box office in the state for the third consecutive weekend. The cumulative running total of Asuran in Tamil Nadu is estimated to be Rs 45 crore, including the third weekend gross of Rs 4.31 crore. Namma …
When Archana Kalpathi accompanied her father and uncle to meet actor Vijay, she had no idea how she would be associated with the project. But Bigil was going to be different as it is the biggest film for her father’s production house AGS Entertainment. ‘Fan’ versus ‘producer’ Archana Kalpathi has no qualms in admitting that she is an ardent Vijay …