Actor Vijay has been in the news for the Income-Tax raid that was going on at his residence in Panaiyur for nearly 35 hours. During the raid, Vijay's salary for the film came into the debate which is why the I-T sleuths raided his house. This is Thalapathy Vijay at his best! George Vijay February 7, 2020 In the I-T …
On February 5, Income-Tax officials landed on the sets of Master in Neyveli to question actor Vijay over tax evasion. After raiding AGS Enterprises, the Income-Tax officials are also conducting raids at properties of actor Vijay in Chennai and financier Anbu Cheziyan. The Income Tax officials are yet to issue any statement regarding the raids at AGS Enterprises, Vijay and …
Director Atlee's Bigil, which released in 2019, reportedly grossed Rs 300 crore at the box office worldwide. On February 5, Income-Tax sleuths conducted a search at AGS Enterprises who had bankrolled Vijay's Bigil for a whopping Rs 180 crore. During the raid, Vijay's salary for Bigil had come into discussion and the officials went all the way to Neyveli, where …